Hey guys, I wanted to take a moment to let you all know that linux users don't seem to be welcome at betanews.com so it may be in everyone here's interest not to go there .. I posted a few times, and ended up getting reamed by other members for being a linux loser, I decided to start shooting back, and well they decided to moderate .. only me .. They deleted posts using "shutup", or "loser" all the way to some that I chose to use later that need not be repeated here .. Funny if you dig through the posts, you will see others using very similar language (Just look down a few comments, you will see me being called a loser, but the post I made with that exact word was deleted!), but since they are not linux users, they were not targeted .. I have seen a lot of this over there over the last week or two, for example they deleted a post that I spent over an hour writing concerning a post made about how nothing else can compare to windows .. There was no foul language in the post, it !
was a well thought out document including reference links .. Now it's gone ..
Again, just an FYI ..
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