[SLUG] Linux Friendly Laptops for Emergency Communications

From: edoc (kd4e@arrl.net)
Date: Mon Sep 24 2001 - 19:54:59 EDT

I continue my effort to get Linux running on a portable system for
emergency communications & response ... a task that gas grown
in importance as of late.

I have just received the following list of Linux compatible laptops --
more specifically, they have been tested as Progeny-Debian compatible.

Sony VAIO XG19
IBM 600x
Toshiba Tecra 8100

I have decided to part with my Linux-recalcitrant HP OmniBook (266 CPU,
96m ram, 6g hdd, 14.1 display), my Pentium 120 (e-smith Linux server
has been loaded on the 3g hdd and runs fine), and my other desktop (AMD

Anyone know where I might work a swap for a pair of IBM 600x series
laptops? Is there a central Florida computer swap list or a computer shop
that does swaps? (I think I may have asked this questions a couple of
back but don't recall there was such a list at that time, anything new?)

I visited:

and according to them my HP is worth about $750. and a IBM 600x 266 MHz,
4g hdd, no ram (I have a 128m SODIMM chip) looks to be about $400.

Sure appreciate any recommendations for Florida computer swap sites or
used laptop dealers.


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