Re: [SLUG] MCSE certification & System Analyst position

Date: Mon Jul 22 2002 - 10:09:08 EDT

To suggest any books or any lab stuff first there is something you have to
First what kind of career do you intend to follow in the I.T. field.

If you want to be a System Engineer. Then I would do the following.
Start with the simple stuff first. {Cough} M.C.S.E., Then Cisco CCIE, then
Red Hat, then the SAIR Certification.
Also you may want to add a little Novell or at least Learn 5.0 basics such
as NDS Novell Directory Services btw Microsoft
Ripped this off and calls it Active Directory Services, Using ZENS Zero
Effort Networking Services and basic Group Wise.

If you want to be a Network Admin. Get the New {Cough) M.C.S.A. Microsoft
Certified System Admin. BTW this is 3/4 M.C.S.E.
C.N.A. Certified Novell Administrator, CCNA Cisco Certified Network Admin,
RHCE, and Oracle DBA Data base Administrator.
Don't Know if My SQl has a Cert but I would check.

If you want to get into Data Base {Cough} MS, Sql, Access, C++, and VB,
M.C.S.D. cert, Oracle, My Sql, Java, Prel,
Php, Basically as many Compilers and Languages you can Also IBM's DB2.

Help Desk A+, {Cough} M.O.U.S. e Microsoft, Office, User, Specialist
cert, Basics of Red Hat, Debian, and what ever is the most common Linux
used for business close to you. Open Office, Word Perfect Office 8 - 2002,
Maybe even Lotus Smart Suite. <-- Which at Computer Shows is usually very
Affordable around $20.00 - $45.00 pends on version.

As for is it worth the M.C.S.E. well it's like this as stated more certs
looks good to employers. If you want to get a Employer also to get Linux
aboard with a company
who mostly or does not use it then you can use this as a way to get them to
listen to the Idea easier. I say this because they will say well if you are
certified in this then why are you wanting to use the other. Then they may
sit there and go hmmm show me why and what are the benefits if we implement
it. Also if your Employer is willing to spend the money learn it and take
advantage of it. Think here can you afford $300.00 for books and $125.00 per
test x 7. Next if they are going to send you to school for it then you are
looking between $1,200.00 per class x 2 then about $2,000.00 x 5 classes
then Test at $125.00 each. Yeah I would take it.

Even though you may not prefer it knowledge is Valuable and the more you
have Naturally the better. Then next thing Learn the Product hands on as
much as possible. If you need experiment modify even try to break it down on
some extra equipment that you can study on. Set up labs on your own like how
to link the different things together and learn to make them sync in
Harmony. I say this cause you can never tell what kind of convoluted
situations you may run into. Especially mixed technology environments.

For Studying Troy Tech, Transcenders, New Riders, O' Riliey, These are
usually the best names to learn with.
Then 2nd best books Sybex, etc.,.

Note if you are going to take M.C.S.E. I would take it at U.S.F. reason you
get the most for your money and the cost is usually less. You get Modern
Equipment to work with and it's a nice Campus. Also at U.S.F. you can also
sit in on classes even after you complete so you can brush up on any thing
you may missed.
Plus hands on with a live teacher is better then most online training. At
least for me cause 1 if your P.C. goes down then you are out of luck. Next
if something does not go right then no loss on your equipment of vital
information etc., How ever be sure you have at least 2 extra Pc's for
learning one for Server other for Desktop machine.

Next Good Luck.

Hope this helps.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: David Vo []
>Sent: Saturday, July 20, 2002 5:42 AM
>Subject: [SLUG] MCSE certification & System Analyst position
>Thanks for all the wakeup calls and tips.
>I was lucky enough to get an IT job when I just got out from school.
>Right now I am the only support person for the department and my boss
>adviced me to be a MCSE certified and the department will pay for it.
>Is it worth of time and effort to be MCSE certified?
>Also at my job, there is a system analyst position open and they require
>unix,oracle,novell, and 3 years of heatth care related programing
>If interested please send me your resume to my email account.
>To bpreece1, any advice on books and practice lab you can give me so I
>get a head start?
>Thanks again to all of you who responded.
>God Bless

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