Re: [SLUG] "My distro beat up your distro" discussion

From: Robin 'Roblimo' Miller (
Date: Tue Nov 19 2002 - 15:46:29 EST

> what we (the Linux/open-source community) NEED is for LucasArts to support Linux, or to at least donate some source so that we can do so, on their NEW pc game releases. It's great to play the old ones, and it's excellent that LucasArts may be helping support them on Linux, especially since Linux was not (or barely was) even a platform when most of them were released. Yet it's really only a token gesture if they don't make any effort to help out with their new products.

A lot of people at LucasArts agree with you. Realize that many game
companies use outside (proprietary) code in their products, plus there
are trademark/copyright considerations, and effects on distributors, and
so on.

Then there's the market share factor. Yes, I know it's chicken/egg, but
you need to face the fact that the Linux "recreational desktop" market
is about 1/100 the size of the Windows one.

And a game company donating source so you or whomever can make what
amount to free copies of their bread and butter? This is going to
happen about 3 days after "from each according to his means, to each
according to his needs" becomes our dominant economic paridigm.

Except somehow I doubt that computer games will be classified as much of
a "need." The game developers will be reassigned to more useful work --
like filling potholes.

- Robin

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