Re: [SLUG] running print job created by samba

From: Paul M Foster (
Date: Sat Dec 21 2002 - 19:35:24 EST

On Sat, Dec 21, 2002 at 11:17:11AM -0500, patrick grantham wrote:

> Some bonehead (me) installed the wrong print driver on a M$ client and sent a
> test print. I have been unable able to find the print job listed using any
> GUI to stop to reams of paper being spit out by the printer. I have managed
> to "kill" the job by it's PID. How is the most effective way to terminating
> the job and deleting the spooled data?
> --Patrick

I'm assuming you're trying to kill a print job that's running under the
Linux print spooler. If so, use:

lpq -Pnameofprinter

(The -Pnameofprinter is optional, if this printer is set up under the
PRINTER environment variable of the user making the query.) This will
tell you the job ID of the print job. Then use:

lprm jobid

where jobid is the number you got. This kills the job, and at some point
should kill the cached data.

And of course, turning off the printer will kill any data stored in
_its_ memory.


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