On Sat, Jan 04, 2003 at 10:24:51PM -0500, Tim Wright wrote:
> Check the properties for the destination directories on the Windows side.
> You'll likely need to use Webmin or a similar utrility to tweak the
> properties for the destination.
> I had a similar problem with moving files back and forth on a "handoff"
> partition ("H:\handoff" in Windows and "mnt/hdc6/handoff" in Linux) between
> Windows NT and Linux. I had to set the partition as read/write (was
> read-only), then grant permission to myself so I didn't have to work as root
> to move stuff in and out.
You can specify a uid/gui to use in your mount options:
$ id
uid=1000(icblenke) gid=1000(icblenke) groups=1000(icblenke)
$ su - root
# mount -o uid=1000,gid=1000 /dev/hda1 /mnt
You can do the same thing in /etc/fstab by replacing "defaults" on
the line where you mount your vfat filesystem with "uid=1000,gid=1000".
Regardless, however, you should be able to copy files as root. If you
cannot, something else is going on (you may be mounting the filesystem
as "ro" (read only) instead of "rw" (read/write), or on some filesystems
you may have immutable or other extended file permissions set (see
- Ian
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