Check out xpp. This is Till Kampeter's front end for CUPS. This should
On Friday 10 January 2003 13:47, you wrote:
> I have a CUPS server and a workstation with CUPS running. I have added
> the printer to the workstation via the lpadmin -p deskjet -E -v
> ipp://mr9000/printers/deskjet command. When I print using lp <filename>
> everything looks fine. When I query CUPS to see how the job is
> proceeding it says it is printing to the deskjet( it is connected to my
> server) but nothing ever happens.
> I have added "ServerName mr9000" to the /etc/cups/client.conf file.
> When I query the server it has the printer as idle with no print jobs.
> For some reason the job is not being sent to the server.
> I don't know the mechanism the CUPS uses to transport jobs to the
> server. Does the server poll the clients? Do I need to set up polling
> on the server side?
> All suggestions accepted!
> Michael C. Rock
> Systems Analyst
> Registered Linux User # 287973
> "The time has come the walrus said to speak of many things,,,"
> "Christians give up what they cannot keep to gain what they cannot lose"
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