The way I understand it is that there is some sort of cap on what
tuition amounts can be charged for whatever class, so the lab fees are
a back-door method of collecting extra revenue. They say that the higher
charges are justifiable, compared to places such as HCC, because
the labs are better equipped. I can't speak to any such comparison.
I can state that, at HCC, the charge for a 3-credit course is just the
50-some-dollars/credit tuition fee (and new student fees etc, if not
previously attending) so a 3-credit course is about in the 160-dollar
range (Fla. residents). I disclaim herewith that I took Unix Admin 1 and 2
this fall (both at once) at HCC and I believe I got very good value for my
money, further, I am presently taking the CCNA Cisco Academy,
partly just to keep myself occupied. Probably the later sections such as
2 and 3 of the 4-part CCNA track would provide better comparisons
with other area schools. Right now in part 1 I already know the mtl so
it's just coasting along with basic knowledge. Part 1 is required and
I couldn't test-out on it. Part 2 begins the hands-on.
I suspect these higher SPC fees are at least in part due to expansion
of program offerings there, but that's just speculation by me.
Problem with HCC is that Unix Admin 2 may not be offered again until
fall 03 or spring 04 (which is why I took it in fall 02), in other words,
the course you want may not be there every semester.
One thing I learned last week at the Cyber Security Summit is that
SPC is moving ahead with plans for a security track which would
involve a 2-year program, and also that they are going to become a
trusted-partner with ISC so that one can obtain a CISSP cert there
with SPC administering the program directly. I don't believe HCC
has any similar aspirations along these lines.
Bob Foxworth
----- Original Message -----
From: "Josh Tiner" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 22:47
Subject: RE: [SLUG] Other recommended local Linux training outfits?
> Nope... You don't get to take anything home - SPC is just greedy - plain
> and simple. ;)
> -Josh Tiner
> [ D I G I T A L L Y I M P O R T E D R A D I O ]
> email:
> web :
> phone: 727-643-4469
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf Of Ronald
> KA4INM Youvan
> Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 10:24 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [SLUG] Other recommended local Linux training outfits?
> > ...and what's with the $600 lab fee (PER CLASS???) at
> > the St. Pete College on Linux classes?
> You get to take your computer home after the class is over?
> Just guessing!
> --
> 73 (= Best Regards) de: Ron
> 100% Slack. since July, 1997 (still free!) SENT D&T are UTC
> Visit my HAM Web SITE at:
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