John wrote:
> I've been reading the mail re the courses. It's certainly
> interesting, but somehow I wonder if it can even get off the
> ground. Sorry, I don't mean to be negative, but this is a lot
> of work, and it's hard to get real live people to step up to the
> plate.
Well, I've been there and done that, got the t-shirt, and posted the web
A couple of years ago I was asked to teach a Linux class (for pay) by a
certain individual who shall remain nameless. A local business known to
that individual generously agreed to provide a place to meet and about 5
networked workstations loaded with RedHat. I developed 3.5 courses,
Linux User 101, Linux User 102, Linux Administrator 201, and (partially)
Linux Adminstrator 202, the outlines of which I recently posted on the
web and provided a link to them here on this list(a few days ago). I
brought my own whiteboard and markers. I taught the classes. They were
well attended and the students were a joy to teach.
I billed the individual but never got paid because he/she left the
country. That was ok. Seeing the lights turn on in the students' minds
made it all worth while.
The bottom line is that this is *what works*:
1) A free (as in beer) instructor with course materials who enjoys teaching,
2) a meeting place with networked workstations running Linux, ideally 1
per student but 2 students per workstation is do-able.
3) a white board with a variety of colored markers.
4) students who want to learn enough to attend class and pay attention.
That's all. It doesn't have to be any more complicated than that!
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