For those of you who enjoyed playing with Gentoo Games LiveCDs, there is some bad news. Due to some licensing issues with RTCW: Enemy Territory, Gentoo Games LiveCDs are no longer distributed. However, I've been picking apart the ISO images from a Gentoo Games disc that I had lying around in an ill-advised attempt to make a Gentoo Games LiveCD for the UT2004 demo. The problem is that the meat of the LiveCD stuff is inside a compressed loop file that gets loaded by the linuxrc file in the initrd. There's a cloop decompressor that's a big part of getting LiveCD distros to work, Knoppix and so forth. I've tried merging the cloop package, but it's dependent on the 2.4.X kernel, or so it informs me. Any advice on how to decompress a cloop file so I can toy with the contents for a new LiveCD?
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