Re: [SLUG] Stupid win32 partition tricks

From: Eben King (
Date: Sun Jul 18 2004 - 23:22:02 EDT

On Sun, 18 Jul 2004, Anthony Harper wrote:

> hockney@Twang:~> mount /dev/hda1
> mount: fs type fat32 not supported by kernel
> hockney@Twang:~> mount /dev/hda1 /windows/C
> mount: only root can do that
> hockney@Twang:~> su
> Password:
> Twang:/home/Hockney # umount /dev/hda1
> Twang:/home/Hockney # mount /dev/hda1
> mount: fs type fat32 not supported by kernel
> Twang:/home/Hockney # mount /dev/hda1 /windows/C
> And now I wonder why I get the fat32 error if I don't include
> /windows/C, it's not like specifying the name of the mount point changes
> the filesystem being mounted, right? So basically, I'd like to mount my
> filesystem as a normal user, and be able to write to it, which is the
> same question as with the floppy, I suppose, except that I have the
> added fat32 weirdness.

What filesystem type is in /etc/fstab now? How about if instead of "auto"
in /etc/fstab you have vfat or whatever?

-eben    ebQenW1@EtaRmpTabYayU.rIr.OcoPm
   Your pretended fear lest error might step in is like the man who
   would keep all wine out of the country lest men should be drunk.
                                                 -- Oliver Cromwell

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