Steve wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Thursday 22 July 2004 01:00 pm, Chad Perrin wrote:
>>Steve wrote:
>>>So even though I agree that few would really use That much, I don't think
>>>it would take too long for people to start figuring out how you now can
>>>do things you never did before.
>>More to the point, the Internet porn industry would, like always, lead the
>>way. Porn webcam sites would be replaced by porn high-quality streaming
>>video sites, and the massive throughput offered by Verizon fiber would make
>>it a practical possibility for the home user.
>>This will also, I'm sure, have some rather drastic effects on security for
>>Internet connections, as many more bare-assed Windows machines with no real
>>protection would have a lot more bandwidth, allowing them to pick up and
>>run more potentially dangerous malware. Make sure your firewall is in
>>tip-top shape by the time this comes to pass.
> Did you put your head on the nail or what!
I'm great with theory and the social engineering aspects of IT. Concepts come
easily for me. I still have to slog through the minutiae of actual practice
just like anyone else, though. Heh.
I shudder at the thought of Windows machines running entire friggin' spam
servers installed by way of trojan over ultr-high-bandwidth always-on Internet
connections. Something that would be far more appropriate for Verizon to offer
with fiber connectivity than a UPS would be a router/firewall that is configured
to not only protect the user from the Internet but also the Internet from the
user. I suspect, however, that the UPS offering might be a way to protect their
cabling and so on from power spikes through home users' machines when
thunderstorms come through, rather than having anything to do with wanting to
protect the home users' computers themselves.
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