Re: [SLUG] Yet Another Hardware Recommendations Thread

From: michael hast (
Date: Tue Dec 20 2005 - 21:37:39 EST

> I can't imagine how I could ever fill up that much hard drive space!
> Right now, I'm using about 10G on this 40G drive. Every time I go to
> buy a hard drive at CompUSA, I have to search forever to find the
> smallest hard drive they have.
That sounds like what we have said about every big hard drive to ever
come out. I actually remember saying to someone at one time, "How in
the world are you ever going to use up 4.6G of hard drive?" In fact, it
seems like there was a little classic hardware reverie on this list
recently. I really wouldn't count out the "big" ones if I were you. It
might save money in the long run.

--Michael Hast  (the evyl robot)
Always remember that too much pot spoils the cook, and if you have nothing to say at all, don't say anything nice.

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